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Hi!. Juin Yee Here...Stay HAPPY ya.... Love u all!
Juin Yee's BLOG

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I am Juin Yee
Juin YEE...15 YEARS OLD now...LOVE to sleep...AND also fans of LEE MIN HO and Hello Kitty!

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Rotten Things
May 2010 | December 2010 |

Thusday,we go celebrate dad's birthday@ a French R...

Music Here!

Written at Wednesday, May 26, 2010 | back to top

The album...Really cool...
LOve this pic...

Pei Ping and I...

Sunday, go cousin's wedding...Nice...
Take picture with my new camera...Haha...
Someone ask me to give the JAY CHOU albun to somebody...
The 'someone' says that the album is her birthday present becos he can't buy the concert's tickets...
I think he really likes her le...

I won't let u know...